Opening Exercises 1. Opening Exercises Roll Call 2. Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance 3. Pledge of Allegiance
Rule Development (Policy) 4. Board Policy 5610 Removal, Suspension and Expulsion of Students 5. 7110 Student Accommodation 6. 7120 Criteria for Balancing School Membership to Capacity 7. 9800 Charter Schools
Order of Business 8. District Behavior Plan Closing Remarks 9. Closing Remarks/Direction Adjournment 10. Adjournment
Opening Exercises 1. Opening Exercises Roll Call 2. Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance 3. Pledge of Allegiance
Rule Development (Policy) 4. Board Policy 5610 Removal, Suspension and Expulsion of Students 5. 7110 Student Accommodation 6. 7120 Criteria for Balancing School Membership to Capacity 7. 9800 Charter Schools
Order of Business 8. District Behavior Plan Closing Remarks 9. Closing Remarks/Direction Adjournment 10. Adjournment